The FAQs edition
Today in Podcasting in Three Easy Steps, we're opening up the mailbag, and I'm sharing the answers to three questions I get asked a lot.
Question 1: What Technology Do I Need to Get Started?
Well, it depends on what you want to create. Really, I'd say the most important thing you can do is invest in a decent microphone that you can use to record your voice. USB microphones like the one I'm using here will plug straight into the back of your laptop or computer.
There's the software to record and edit your podcast and platforms to get your podcast out there. And of course, a set of headphones—ones that you can plug in. Corded ones will help you be able to record and edit your podcast.
Question 2: What Makes a Great Podcast?
I'd say consistency. If you keep producing a podcast, you will get better and your audience will grow. 75% of podcasts don't get past the first few episodes.
So if you find an idea you can develop and work on, and a format that's easy for you to execute, then you will want to keep producing your podcast. The more you show up, of course, like anything, the better you'll get.
Question 3: I've Got an Idea for a Podcast, Now What?
I would always say the most important thing you can do is start writing your ideas down whenever they come to you. Get a notebook, start writing down treatments for your stories or people that you can interview.
If you start writing it down, you've got a lovely catalog of things that you can draw upon later on in the process.
Ask yourself this question though: How is my podcast helping my audience? Everything that you should do should focus on this. Keep them in mind, and you will produce content that they want.
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