How to prepare your room for recording
In this episode, I'm looking at how to prepare a room ahead of recording. Once you've chosen somewhere to record (covered in Episode Number 11), the next thing you'll need to do is get your recording spot set up in order to maximize your chances of getting a good recording.
Step 1: Cover Any Hard Surfaces to Reduce Echo
You've got a few options here depending on what kind of space you're going to record in. If you've got a dedicated space to record and you can put up acoustic paneling, you can buy cheap foam acoustic panels on Amazon.
If you don't have a dedicated space, then you might need to set it up each time you record. Recording several episodes in one go will save you time here.
You can cover your desk and clip blankets onto anything that's available, be it curtain rails, pictures, or lamps. Also, shut blinds or curtains, but leave enough light to see, particularly if you're recording video as well. Many podcasters record with a duvet over their heads, as mentioned in Episode 11. Facing an open wardrobe is a good option.
Step 2: Eliminate Background Noise
Close doors, close windows, and turn off anything that makes a noise, including washing machines, tumble dryers, central heating, air conditioning, and the TV in the next room. And if you have a dog like me, keep them out of your recording space.
Step 3: Consider Standing Up for Recording
You can set up your space to be sitting down, but you can also stand up. I stand up to do all my recordings, mainly because I'm in a small space.
My booth is also my airing cupboard with no room for a chair. But standing up has a number of benefits. It helps with breathing, makes you sound more confident, and boosts your energy levels. You see lots of radio DJs standing up to present their shows.
If you'd rather be sitting down, make sure you're sitting up straight and ensure your microphone is level with your mouth. Anything you're reading should be at eye level, whether it's printed paper or on your laptop, rather than flat on your desk, as that prevents you from being hunched over.
Buy acoustic paneling from Amazon:
Find out more about how to limit echo here.
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