How to get your dream podcast guest


So you're looking to try to get your dream guest onto your podcast - I'm going to explain how to do just that.

Step One: Be Bold and Just Ask

You'd love to have a great guest on your podcast. Here's the first step: be bold and just ask. People want to appear on your podcast for many reasons, and it's a great way for them to promote what they do too. This isn't just a one-sided deal. It means that they can practice their skills too. If you want someone, you just have to ask. What's the worst they can say? No. And the more that you do it, the bolder you'll get. Just take the "no's" on the chin, and there will be plenty, but think about yourself too. It's not always a good time for you, and it might not be a good time for them. Also, ask your audience who they'd love to hear you interview. It's a great way to build a relationship with them and see what floats their boat.

Step Two: Craft an Effective Pitch

Which leads me to step two: your pitch. You have to pitch. It's not enough to simply email someone and say, "Hey, do you want to come on my podcast?" Because it's more than likely they'll ignore your email along with the hundreds of others. You have to make them think too much about why they need to do it, so they'll end up ignoring your request. Actively listen to what they do. Read about them, do your research. What will your audience get out of hearing from them? How are they a good fit? What will they bring? And when you answer those questions, write it in the pitch.

Step Three: Focus on Your Audience

Step three: talk about your audience. In that pitch, explain why they need to hear from them and how your guest's appearance is a good fit. Tell them about the topics that do well and how your audience wants things explaining. For example, if your audience loves a top tip, say this. Get them thinking about what they could share to also flatter them. Sell your podcast on why they should want to appear. How is your audience, for example, primed to buy, meet, and engage with them more? Make it too good an opportunity for them and think about what they are selling, such as a course or a book, and how that can fit into their promotional cycle. You're more likely to get a dream guest if they are wanting to talk about their own thing as well as answer your questions.

Okay, so three easy steps to getting your dream guests for your podcast. I feel there's so much more to talk about here, and we'll come back to it in future episodes. I'd love to know who your dream guest is. If you're listening on Spotify, let me know by answering the question.


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